
One Night Ultimate Alien

Created by Bezier Games

The far-out sequel to the mega-popular One Night Ultimate Werewolf. This time, the app is the star with dynamic roles and narration!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Accessing Randomization and KS-only options (backers only)
over 6 years ago – Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 09:56:55 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Werebeasts is LIVE on Kickstarter!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 03:02:20 PM

Fans of the One Night Ultimate series might like to know about our latest Kickstarter project, Werebeasts!

Werebeasts is our brand new game of bidding, bluffing, and terrifying creatures, now LIVE on Kickstarter.


If you thought werewolves were scary, wait until you open this box...
If you thought werewolves were scary, wait until you open this box...

About the game

You are a key player in the lucrative but very dangerous business of collecting Werebeasts.

Armed with only your good looks and several cans of indescribably tasty Werechow (now with 90% more villager), you'll be bidding for the Werebeasts you need and also for the ones you don't, in hopes of throwing your opponents off track.

Your fellow collectors are also collecting certain Werebeasts that have the most value to them. If you can hide your intentions long enough, you'll be rewarded. If you can make it to the end of the game without getting caught, you just might win.

Wait, is that a... Werenana?
Wait, is that a... Werenana?


Funded in under 3 hours, this is a fast-paced card game that's fun for the whole family! (Maybe just keep the kids away from the Wereclown...)

Find out more about Werebeasts on our Kickstarter page, and be one of the first to get a copy:

As always, thanks for considering backing our projects - we appreciate all of your support!


Timer bug - how to fix
over 6 years ago – Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 02:16:54 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping has begun!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, May 17, 2017 at 12:12:20 AM

Well, it’s finally that time…we’re starting to ship out One Night Ultimate Alien!

As we have 3,769 backers, this is going to take several weeks for us to get these all shipped, so please be patient. As games are sent, we’ll be providing tracking numbers to everyone. If you didn’t get a tracking number, it means your game was not sent yet. Our goal is that everyone has their games by the end of June, but international backers might end up getting theirs a bit later due to long shipping times. Please don’t ping us asking about the status of your game if you haven’t gotten it until July, as the answer until that point will be “it probably wasn’t sent yet”.

Inside your Alien game box you’ll find all the Alien roles as well as the stretch goal roles. In the app, all the new roles are divided between the Alien tab and the Bonus tab. In the box you’ll also find player number tokens (1-12), which you should distribute to each player when you play Alien (the app uses these numbers to specify certain players).

As a reminder, Alien requires the use of the app - you cannot play without it, so be sure to download it on your iOS or Android device before you play. The updated app is currently available on the iTunes app store and was released to Google Play this evening, May 16th, though the new version may take several hours to show up in searches in both stores (you’ll just get the “old” version until then).

While there are a few app stretch goals (Landscape mode and the “Repeat Role” ripple) not currently in the app, we decided to get a version out there now that everyone can play with Alien sooner - all the roles are in place and fully functional. A future update will include the items above.

While you’re waiting for your game, be sure to read the One Night Ultimate Alien FAQ, which covers some corner cases and other useful information regarding Alien.

In just a little while after this update is posted, there will be another BACKER-ONLY update (#24) that explains how to unlock the Randomization controls and the hidden Ripples/Role Effect stretch goals.

We're really excited to be able to share this latest One Night game with you, and we can't wait to hear about your efforts to fend off the invading Alien menace!

Really close to shipping...update your addresses!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 08:02:16 PM

Well, we've started to get items in, and the app is nearing completion, which means...we'll be shipping soon! But before we do that, anyone who hasn't filled out the survey yet should do so, and if you've moved since you filled it out, please be sure to update the address.

Also, if you want to add anything to your pledge via backerkit, now is pretty much your last chance to do so.

The Backerkit pages will be shut down at the end of this week.

Here's some pics to keep you going until the game ships: